I’m so completely accustomed to not hearing anything but nature hour after hour, afternoon in plus afternoon out.
That comes with living many, multiple miles from the next human person.
So when I heard a automobile approach, it was like hearing the Martians landing. But now plus again, my buddies plus family will venture out this far to find me in my condo plus doing my thing. This time, a buddy was bringing me some residential HVAC. I happen to be childhood friends with a guy who is an HVAC professional. Actually, that’s sort of understating it as my buddy owns an HVAC dealer. He started out as an HVAC serviceman only to end up with his own HVAC dealer. And one of his HVAC company vehicles with four wheel drive was bringing me a ductless heat pump. I live far enough out that I am not affixed to the electrical grid. A few years ago, I upgraded my solar array to the most advanced iteration which allows for more kilowatt load. So I decided to splurge on some quality heating plus air! Of course, I have all the heating I need with my stove. But having some a/c in the summer time sounds absolutely appealing. There are some days that are so still plus boiling that just a fan doesn’t get me to sleep. So having the cooling comfort of the ductless heat pump will easily fit the bill. My buddy was able to get the ductless heat pump installed in an afternoon. So I made him a steak supper with some of the finest household brewed budweiser in the land.