All I can remember about the winter time before was that I just never felt like I was getting enough from the gas boiler.
But then again, the first winter time up here was a bit of a blur in general.
The combination of a new position with new responsibilities and the biting cold were a bit overwhelming. As for the office, I just did my best to stay late, do more and legitimately learn and understand my new position. There were plenty of long afternoons inside the commercial Heating, Ventilation, and A/C of that office. And to be sure, I had a space heating system with me everywhere I went! Really though, the cold here is unlike anything I could have ever imagined. There are afternoons where I walk out of the heating comfort of my condo to nearly have my breath stolen by the level of cold here. If I ever get back south, I’m never complaining about a Summer that is too tepid and needs too much a/c. But I can’t even let the thoughts of a mild winter time with a heat pump enter my mind. Otherwise, it just makes this situation all the more painful. However, I know I did score a win in winter time number two. With the help of my neighbor, I learned how to seal up my apartment to maximize the efficiency of the gas boiler. I followed just what she told me and it worked. I was much warmer this winter time with a much lower thermostat setting. We’ve still got plenty of winter time left but so far, I know I’ve saved nearly 20 percent on heating costs.