Living in the Midwest comes with its pros and cons, growing up, I lived up North, and I didn’t actually know what it was like to live anywhere else except in the North Eastern section of the U.S, then all my family lived close by, and we rarely traveled because of the busyness of life.
For me, summers meant 75 degree afternoons, and cool evenings.
When I got married and moved to the Midwest, it took a lot of changing for me to get used to the new weather conditions and season swings. One of the scariest but coolest parts about living in the Midwest are the thunderstorms. Growing up, I enjoyed to sit and watch a summer time thunderstorm pass by. However, it did not prepare me for the kind of thunderstorms that come where I live now. They are violent, and often times they get so bad that they startle me, during late Spring and throughout the entire summer, we get lots of storms. With the storms comes lots of humidity. It is the kind of thick humidity, where the sweat never seems to dry off of your skin, and you just feel damp all the time. It totally grosses me out. My partner recently purchased me a dehumidifier. It has made my life so much easier. I love it! The only downside is that it is rather small. It does wonders in the room that you place it in, but not actually any further than that. I usually put the dehumidifier in our bedroom a few hours before we go to bed so that our room is not sticky and stuffy when we are trying to fall asleep. During the afternoon, I move it to whichever room I am spending the majority of my time in. I am so thankful for the dehumidifier, and I hope we can purchase some more of them soon so that I don’t have to move them from room to room each afternoon.